the value of not thinking, or, yes, universe, I get the message

Yesterday was day one with my new coach, and I celebrated by actually doing the workouts on my plan.   It was an interesting day – instead of spending the afternoon thinking about what I was (or was not) going to do that night*, trying to decide if whatever I had planned was enough/not enough/too much, all I had to do is make the boxes turn green**.  It was an interesting change in mental state, and it was really refreshing.  I tend to overthink things sometimes.

This morning, during my quick feedly scan, I read Jordan Rapp’s great blog about his buildup to his recent win at IM Mont Tremblant.  I was really struck by his comments about how his instincts sometimes didn’t give him any great insight, and the fallback was just trusting his plan.   Twenty minutes later, a quick check of facebook showed my new coach posting a quote from same link:

Most days I just woke up, did my best to execute what was planned to the best of my ability without thinking too much about it, and then went to bed.

So, um, OK universe, I get the message.  Stop overthinking.  Start trusting that the experts you rely on are expert enough to get you to where you need to go, and put your efforts into doing the work to get there.

*Morning workouts are for people who can actually function during that part of the day.  Not me.

**For those of you not slavishly devoted to Training Peaks, when your coach puts a workout on your plan and you actually do it, the little workout box turns green.  Green is good.

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